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Munch – Sugar Free Oat Bar Recipe

I’m a grazer, constantly nibbling, especially now that I’m home a lot with my little boy. I love to be healthy with my choices and I’ve finally found a recipe that is sugar free and isn’t too ‘hippy’ for my husband! He’s a man of simple tastes and always calls my salads ‘compost’ salads as I like everything in the fridge in them?!

This simple recipe is my current ‘go to’ for something nice for us all to nibble on when needed. Great with yoghurt, ice cream or cream when warm out of the oven….. or as a slice for lunch the next day.

You can use any fruit you like. Sugar was in the original recipe but I find the organic strawberries are sweet enough for the slice.
(I’ve gota thank Emma in Ireland for this recipe:-))

Sugar free oat bar recipeIngredients:
300g porridge oats
170g dessicated coconut
100g soya flour (I used normal flour)
300g vegan margarine (or butter if not required to be vegan)
300g mixture of raspberries and blueberries (fresh or frozen) I used stewed apple and frozen organic strawberries.
(You could add honey if you want it sweeter- I didn’t bother and feel it’s not needed.)

Oven 180C
Line a baking tray with parchment
Mix all the dry ingredients in together, making a hole in the centre
Melt the butter and pour into the hole and mix thoroughly
Press half into the bottom of the baking tray, then the fruit, then the rest
You can leave it loose if you want a crumble, or press it down if you want to make oat bars out of it
Oven for 30-35min.

Very simple and quick to make…enjoy,x

Hi, I’m Daphne, a teacher, a mother, a movement lover, a masseuse and creator of Solas Essentials. We are made up of many parts and we each have a story leading to now.  Every day has challenges for us all no matter how ‘perfect’ one may look online. 

I would love to help bring more mindful moments into your busy day through awareness of how we move and breathe, through the products we use and through the power of touch and essential oils. As I help others I help myself so let’s all work together to create the best day we can. I’m looking forward to hearing from you or sending you some gorgeous products you may treat yourself to.